Draw Wire Sensor
Draw wire sensors measure the position or change in position of the lifted load in the machinery. its design is compact and maintenance-free.
Draw Wire Sensor
Its made up of an internal potentiometer clubbed with a precision measuring wire so that it detects the change in the path of the lifted object and encode the path change into an electrical signal which then forwarded to the Display unit
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About Draw Wire Sensor
The Klug Avalon Mechatronics Pvt Ltd offers a reliable Safe Load Indicator Solution for measuring crane lifting capacity and makes the lifting operation smooth, risk-free & safe for the Crane and Crane Operator. This Crane Monitoring system is mounted in the cabin for easy to use by the crane operator. A tough control system body comes with a 16X2’’ alphanumeric display to guide the operator for various crane operation and voice alerts when Lifted object capacity crosses the crane rated capacity.
At the time of primary installation, the Safe Load Indicator System is configured as per the Load Chart provided by Crane manufacturer. And thus receives the signals to be displayed on the KOPS Display Control Unit.
The smart Digital Safe Load Indicator Display comes with the following indication:
- Duty Section: Shows the Currently operating Duty boom hook no.
- Angle Section: Shows the working Angle between base and boom.
- Radius Section: Shows the length between the boom head and base.
- Length Section: Shows the Total Length between Boom head & Base
- Load Section: Shows the Lifted Load of the Crane.
- SWL Section: Show the Final Capacity to be lifted during the Operation.
- %SWL Section: Show the Safe & Risky work Load Situation via Green, Yellow and Red LED light
- Over articulate Signal:
- NLZ Signal:
- A2B Signal:
- Error Signal:
- Power Signal:
The KOPS Display control system Comes with supportive switch buttons for the following activities:
- Falls Duty Button:
- ESC Button:
- Audio Button:
- TARE On Button:
- Enter Button:
- Bypass Button:
The SLI Control unit is so perfect that measures the safe working condition for Operator, However, when lifting capacity is reached the defined limit, then the System automatically locks the Crane/machinery until the operator press the bypass button provided in the KOPS system control unit or until the Operator back to safe mode by adjusting the situation (angle/boom length/ load)
Following are the conditions when the cut-off situation activates the system and lock the machinery is:
- Radius / Low boom angle
- Weight Overload situation
- A 2 B Limit Crossover signals
- Radius / High boom angle
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What is an SLI System?
Safe Load Indicator is a safety control unit mounted in the crane’s cabin to alert the operator if the lift is exceeding the safe operating range of the machinery
Is it Necessary to install SLI System in our Crane?
Yes, Its necessary and important to avoid any future accident while working with materials without knowing the actual load and rated crane capacity.
What if We Have Old Crane dose your SLI System Support our Crane operation?
Yes Off course, As per your Crane capacity chart we will make a custom SLI system that match your Crane and Its Operation
We have pre-installed SLI System, still its need to update?
Yes, sometime pre fitted safety System are inadequate to protect hence we recommend to talk our Crane safety system officer and know the best suited solution for your crane.
What is an Anti-two Block Switch?
Over-hoist Switch measures the distance between the lifting hook block & Head of the boom crane, which avoids the collision between them and alerts the operator by sending signals via the SLI.